Reading Blog

To Annotate or Not to Annotate

I remember those days in my middle school and high school English class. My teachers would scrutinize each one of our books to make sure we annotated each page, just as they had instructed us to. To a certain extent, annotating novels made sense: it made discussions much easier for me and helped me understand the novel more thoroughly by writing out my thoughts. Also, I always felt bad making the teacher upset.

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Why I Bought a Kindle

I’m going to be honest, I will always prefer a physical book to a digital one. Mostly, I enjoy the variety of different book covers and pages, where each book provides a unique reading experience. Digital copies on the other hand, suppress the creative design of books in favour of uniformity based on the device I am reading with.

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How I Try to Read More

If there’s one thing I dislike about reading, it’s how tiring it can be. I mean, after hours of deciphering the combination of black text on the pages in front of you, the strain on your eyes can be irksome. Not to mention the energy drain from the bajillion neurons constantly firing in your brain to collect the information from a book while blocking out all other distractions.

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Stories by Black Authors

Systemic racism permeates throughout our society, and particularly in the United States, black Americans face constant discrimination. We stand in support and solidarity of the Black Lives Matter movement spreading, not just in America, but throughout the world.

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Summer Picks by Our Readers

Hey reader! We want to give you the chance to submit your favourite summer book. To get an idea of the books we’re looking for, think about what book you could continue to read every summer time. Whatever the genre, we want to hear what you have to say about a perfect book to curl up with indoors during this time of social distancing.

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About Us: Topjor Tsultrim

When I was in elementary school, my parents often worked late. The afterschool program was expensive, so the local library became my refuge. There, I would wander among the stacks for hours, lost in an infinite multitude of worlds, until my parents would pull me back to the reality of our life.

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About Us: Iqbal Nurjadin

I am not a professional book critic. I am merely a university undergraduate student who loves to read. So you might ask yourself: what qualifies me to write any sort of analytical book reviews? To tell you the truth, beyond my high school diploma and passion for reading, not much.

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